I need to get serious

I should be working,

not thinking what it’d be like
to watch the Bills-Packers game
with Thérèse the Little Flower.

A wood-paneled basement
with the heat turned up. 

A TV tray with crackers
and shrimp dip between
our matching recliners. 

Thérèse smiling over
a forward pass, a screen play. 

Thérèse wincing at a body block.

Thérèse shushing me as I
explain unnecessary roughness.

She reminds me I sleep so much
not because I’m tired,
what I really want is peace,

and closes her eyes, smiles again.

In this room, no darkness will
enter my mind, just warm
air and tchotchkes and her smile

like sunlight on a blossoming wound.

Outside, a snowbank,
the moon over a lake of ice,
skeletons of trees.

Someone told me feelings are 
unimportant in the spiritual life.

Justin Lacour

Justin Lacour lives in New Orleans and edits Trampoline: A Journal of Poetry. He is the author of four chapbooks of poetry and his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Amethyst Review, The Windhover, South Dakota Review, and Presence, where he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.


Lux In Tenebris


New England