Friday Links, January 8, 2021

New publications, contests to enter, exquisite art calligraphy to enjoy . . .

Happy New Year from Revolution of Tenderness 

“We invite all we meet to an ongoing exploration of the connections between faith, culture, and life. The Borromean rings in our logo are a sign of unity in diversity, and reflect our working hypothesis: Untiring openness, most faithful unity.

"In mathematics, Borromean rings offer an intriguing paradox: although each pair of rings is unlinked, the assemblage of rings itself cannot be unlinked."

Music for Our Lady - a hand-lettered book by Duckett Calligraphy

“This has been a year of making beautiful things. And next year I'll be doing the same again, but more, and on a bigger scale. I've decided to see in 2021 by writing my favourite chants. . . .  This is the beginning of a completely hand-lettered, hand-decorated book of antiphons and hymns to Our Lady, written in 4-stave block notation. In no particular order, these are some of my favourite pieces of music to the Blessed Virgin. I will, of course, be writing all four of the liturgical antiphons, both the simple and the solemn versions. Every piece will be headed by a 22ct gold leading letter in a window design. I'm using finest cotton paper, India ink, 22ct gold and steel nibs to create something beautiful. The text is blue India ink, the stave lines black, and the notation liquid gold."

“I've shared a video of the project on my website... please do check it out. Here's wishing you a prosperous and health-filled New Year! Peace to you all."—Duckett Calligraphy

Announcing Raven: New Fiction Imprint from Paraclete that Recognizes Darkness, Reaches for Light

Recommended by Karen Ullo, former DT Managing Editor.

“Paraclete is currently inviting submissions and proposals for this new imprint, for consideration for Winter 2021–22, by email at For interviews with Paraclete Editorial or more information contact Publicist Rachel McKendree at or (800) 451-5006 ext 301."

Euchoetry: Poems in the Presence

Also recommended by Karen Ullo: "Submit or read poems written during Eucharistic adoration."

“Being in the presence of the Creator often unleashes our own creativity. Thus, we invite you to spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration at a Catholic Church near you. Simply be with him.

"Poetry is a creative form of writing that allows the transcendent to break into our reality. If our Lord inspires you to write a poem in his presence, then this is a place where you can share that beautiful exchange of love with the world. Poems in the presence of God. This is Euchoetry."


All are invited. On Wednesday, January 13 at 7:30pm ET, an online poetry reading will be held in anticipation of New York Encounter’s 3-day cultural festival, with this year's theme, "When Reality Hits." The event It will feature Angela Alaimo O’Donnell, the guest judge of the NYE 2021 Poetry Contest, and the first, second and third place winners.

Also featuring award-winning poets Paul Mariani, Rita A. Simmonds, James Davis May, Ned Balbo, Catherine Chandler, Elisabeth Murawski, Kathleen O'Toole, Jeannine Pitas, & John Poch.


The C. S. Lewis Society Bay Area Book and Film Club meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. PT for 2 hours. All are welcome.

On Wednesdays, January 13 and 27, the topic will be The Silver Chair, by C. S. Lewis, with leader/moderator, Paul D. Ashby, Ph.D.

Here is the link for the January 13th discussion.  (BTW, the cover in the image below is from the first edition.)

Questions: 510-635-6892 or 510-406-3266,

Roseanne T. Sullivan

After a career in technical writing and course development in the computer industry while doing other writing on the side, Roseanne T. Sullivan now writes full-time about sacred music, liturgy, art, and whatever strikes her Catholic imagination. Before she started technical writing, Sullivan earned a B.A. in English and Studio Arts, and an M.A. in English with writing emphasis, and she taught courses in fiction and memoir writing. Her Masters Thesis consisted of poetry, fiction, memoir, and interviews, and two of her short stories won prizes before she completed the M.A. In recent years, she has won prizes in poetry competitions. Sullivan has published many essays, interviews, reviews, and memoir pieces in Catholic Arts Today, National Catholic Register, Religion.Unplugged, The Catholic Thing, and other publications. Sullivan also edits and writes posts on Facebook for the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship, Catholic Arts Today, the St. Ann Choir, El Camino Real, and other pages.

Losing My Life for What?


A language deeper than culture